Thursday, November 24, 2011

Werid Cloud Shots in the Sky

Explanation: What's happening above those clouds? In the past few years, videos have appeared on the web detailing an unusual but little known phenomenon: rapid light changes over clouds. Upon inspection and contemplation, a leading hypothesis for its cause has now emerged. In sum, this hypothesis holds that a lightning discharge in a thundercloud can temporarily change the electric field above the cloud where charged ice crystals were reflecting sunlight. The new electric field quickly re-orients the geometric crystals to a new orientation that reflects sunlight differently. In other words, a lightning discharge can cause a sundog to jump. Soon, the old electric field may be restored, causing the ice crystals to return to their original orientation. To help this curious phenomenon become better studied, sky enthusiasts with similar jumping or dancing sundog videos are encouraged to share them.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

what where they thinking?

you might say what where they thinking?

that's the question that comes to your mind when you use this phone,
well, they were right all the way, they made a phone that have a decent amount of memory for all your music and files, but very low on application memory, so it can barely survive the purpose it was made for.
it was all glamory and nice the first two months, but then suddenly i started seeing the hour glass alot, one week later i discovered the dirty method that this phone uses to survive when its low on memory.

When the hour glass or the spining clock of the death for more than 10 seconds, be sure that your phone is deciding what smss to delete.
I was so frustrated to find out that it deleted 5 weeks worth of messages from my inbox. the phone decides for you the messages that are least important and deletes them for you at no extra cost!

to solve the problem you need to:
  • Verify that you have deleted old email messages and MMS messages, especially messages with attachments.
  • Verify that you have deleted contacts that are already in your organization's address book.
  • Verify that you have deleted media files from the device memory.
  • If you recently updated your BlackBerry® Device Software over the wireless network, verify that you have deleted the previous version of the BlackBerry Device Software.
  • Verify that you have cleared the browser cache.